mardi 6 mars 2007
I'm planning to escape....
We are visiting Dave's parents for Passover.
I have two new books to read now: Getting Out: Your Guide to Leaving America, and
Dave bought me Thus Spoke Zarathustra yes by Nietzsche. They don't have a picture of the version I have online, but there is a link to see what its about for the curious.
Went to see a foreign film, The Ax (Le Couperet)
2005, Costa-Gavras, France 122 Minutes
With Jose Garcia, Karin Viard
Based on a novel by Donald E. Westlake (POINT BLANK, THE GRIFTERS).
It's a black comedy/thriller. In French with English subtitles.
Unable to find work, a downsized engineer (Garcia) begins assassinating his top competitors in the job market. He doesn't wear a mask or gloves and he cleverly manages to escape the police or does he?
The best part I can think of was when his car and another one are passing and the other driver is being an asshole. So the Garcia, makes this brilliant hand guesture, which is a finger in a hole, meaning asshole or go screw yourself in french, either way the guy is horrified and drives off.
Also they filmed part of it in Belgium and I recognized some of the places they filmed I had actually been there so that was cool.
We then went to dinner and that was nice. Molly called and mentioned that Dave was supposed to give her a ride somewhere but he forgot. We went back home and then Jeff said we needed to go out so we all went to The Empty Bottle and there was this metal band playing and it was free, honestly the whole thing gave me a headache hah. In Chicago you can still smoke in bars which is gross in Boston, NYC and LA you can't which is great! I ended up playing this game they have there and did well. I used the men's bathroom on accident cause I couldn't find the women's lol.
Great we left and went to EXIT, which is one of the original punk bars in Chicago and it is much more relaxed there and we had 2 drinks each, Dave and I had Vodka with Cranberry and they were really weak. Then we got home at 3am and passed out.
dimanche 4 mars 2007
Hair, Hair and MORE Hair

This is the show we were in, Dave and I were both demonstration models for Tigi/Bedhead.

This is my new hair.
Here are the pictures I took in the preparation area, I’m sure more will pop up once the entire weekend is over.
Such is life
FRIDAY: I was waiting for the Express bus and there were Spanish Nuns there. Nuns are just cool. Went to Fox & Obel Market Cafe, and got Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream and Black Iced Tea. Did I mention it was really nasty outside with this really annoying kinda blizzard? I was killing time because I was early for my interview. It was this company, Photogenic Inc. and its event photography. I think it went well it lasted about a half hour and then I went to Lucky Strike, not to bowl but to sit at the bar and have a drink before I left to go home. So it turned out the guy I was sitting next to was a bartender so he recommended something so I ordered it and it was really good. Then he left etc and I was finished so I wanted something else. Then I again talked to the person next to me who was a steel worker, a Leo and annoyed that his beer was shaped like a bowling pin, also the slow service. Anyway someone else came out and helped me, and I had a Tanqueray and Gingerale. I talked to Dave in-between and it wasn't making me want to come home any sooner. But yeah I finished paid the tab and left and had to walk for awhile until I had to cross and wait for the bus to come and then lucky the bus I took home was right there. So I get home and I know Dave is at the Cafe and we need to be leaving soon to get to this Model Call.
So we make it to the call, despite traffic etc. He doesn't think they will take him and they do because he is tall enough and attractive duh. In between us setting the date for us to have our hair cut etc, our roommate calls. I couldn't make this up if I tried.
So recently his car had been towed and he is now able to pay for it, so he paid for it etc but he had an expired sticker so he decided to walk and go get it because they wouldn't let him have the car otherwise. Anyway, his car is already in a bad area of
He is surrounded by a group of kids and they ask him, “What are you selling?” and he responds, “What did you have in mind?” cause you can’t ignore them. I guess they didn’t like that answer because they hit him in the back with what he now thinks is a lead pipe. What are we playing the real-life version of Clue? And then he punches the guy in front of him and they start chasing him and ran until he loses them. So he ends up at a gas station and that’s when he calls me to ask Dave if he could pick him up.
So we finish up our thing getting the date of March 3rd at
We run out of gas on the way and have to make a pit-stop and then we finally pick him up. We go to the junkyard and he has the sticker but he ends up not getting it because the line is too long.
We went home and then Molly came over. We drove to The Suburbs and went to see Zodiac. That movie was just too long, it was decent; but I would have rather seen Black Snake Moan.